Monday, June 9, 2008

The spirit within you


Our humanity has been described by a profound prophet of God as existing in three manifestations: Body, Soul and Spirit. Without getting into the details, let it be sufficient that we understand that the body interacts directly with the physical world, and the spirit communes with the supernatural world; the soul bridges the two. When the body has dominance, the spirit of a man is weakened, for he gives in to whatever his carnal nature desires. But when a man's spirit is strong, then his body is in submission, and is kept under control.

The great question is, "What controls the spirit?"

1 Timothy 1:7 [NKJV]
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

If the spirit serves fear, then the body will be cowardly. If the spirit serves pride, then the body will be vain and boastful. In short, if the spirit serves anyone or anything but God, the body - the words, thoughts and actions - will be anything but godly. This describes the state of the unsaved.

But when the spirit serves God... when the person has been made whole again in Christ... then all the elements are in submission to the Lord. The spirit has authority, and therefore the body's activities - its speech, its movements, its imaginations and creativity - all are set apart by God for God. They become powerful, for God is all-powerful. They are loving, for God is unquestionably loving.

Sisters and brothers, be renewed today to be in submission to the Lord.

Be encouraged, Jose

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