Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Safe in our Room

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 [KJV]

A long time ago, there was unrest and rioting in Virginia Beach over a Labor Day weekend. Many people were arrested and hurt during the unrest. I was there with about 20 of my college friends but none of us were caught up in the unrest. We all watched the events unfolding outside our hotel rooms on the TV or through our hotel room windows. As our parents began to ring the telephones in the rooms to check to see if we were OK, we all checked out fine. We were our of harms way. There were many sighs of relief on the other end of the lines that day.

Afterwards, we realized that as children of God, He had provided protection and a sound sleep to keep us from harm and trouble that night. We normally would have been out with the crowd, but none of us were caught up in the misunderstandings that led to the actions on the street that night. This event was one of the first times that I realized that God could move silently in our lives to create an outcome that was positive. He was the only reason that we were peacefully sleeping in our hotel room on a big party night during a college getaway weekend. He moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. Let this happen to you.

Be Encouraged,


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