Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Be Found Out Praying

And the king said, What honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this? Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, There is nothing done for him. Esther 6:3 [KJV]

We all know this story, but to recap, Mordecai saved the King's life. He did his best and went on about his life. The King went on about his life and they seemed to not cross paths again directly. I look at this like putting some seed money in a high interest savings account. We did it and it was good to do, but we have not seen the results we were looking for initially. We have seen some residuals, but not the big payout that we thought might happen.

We have two choices when that occurs, we can be caught protesting or be praying. Mordecai was concerned with other things going on concerning his life and the life of his people. He was praying to God and working with Esther to get some assistance. God places people in strategic places so that He can enact His Plan when ready. When we keep praying to stay in tune, we can benefit from listening to God's direction. Being found praying may save our lives over and over again before we go home to be with God. Let's realize that the seed money will grow and we will be the beneficiary of the patience.

Be Encouraged,


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