Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Use your Shout

But as for us, the LORD is our God, and we have not forsaken Him;... Now look, God Himself is with us as our head, and His priests with sounding trumpets to sound the alarm against you. O children of Israel, do not fight against the LORD God of your fathers, for you shall not prosper!”
2 Chronicles 13:10,12 (NKJV)

The battle of life is not to the swift, agile, intelligent, powerful or equipped one, but victory is the portion of them that forsake not their Creator. He continually gives those that remain connected to Him signals and alarms on as needed basis lest they fall into the hands of the adversary. The priests and Holy Spirit sounds the trumpets and the men of Judah gives a shout... a shout that reigns terror and confusion in the camp of the adversary. A shout of victory, a shout of praise, a shout that the host of Heaven responds to. This is the heritage of them that believe, trust and never forsake their God even in the midst of tough and challenging seasons.

Don't lose an ear for the priestly and trumpet sounds of the spirit. When it prompts you for the shout, don't hold back, its your heritage in Him. Give a shout of praise and victory to Him who lives forevermore.

Be encouraged,


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