Friday, February 22, 2008

The steps of the Obedient

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
Psalm 37:23 (NKJV)

When our heart and soul resonates with the Holy Spirit, which is our direct link to the throne of grace, our every step in life will be in accordance and response to God’s divine plan. When we are engrossed and consumed in His word, our ears are attentive to the gentle whispers that reach and touches our spirit. Then we are able to discern and respond appropriately to divine direction and our obedience to Him (irrespective of the strong influences around us) though doesn't take away our challenges but makes us stronger and better through them.

He keeps the feet of His godly ones…
1 Samuel 2:9 (NASB)

The breakthrough of men and women of God in the scriptures were preceded by their obedience and whole dependence for directions in their life's situations. When God placed them on a path, they followed when it even made no sense and such moves seemed unrealistic. Abraham , Moses , Joshua , Gideon , David , Jehoshaphat , Esther all followed the leadings and directions of the Lord and today, their lives are testimonies of how the Lord works through the lives of men. Have the Lord put something in your spirit lately? Do not wait any longer, get at it, begin the pursuit, get down to business and He that has directed you will give you direction to fulfillment, for the steps of the obedient and God-dependent person will be directed by the King Himself and they will never be put to shame.

Be Encouraged,


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