Monday, February 18, 2008

No longer a slave


An amazing consequence of Christ's work is our freedom. Some might question this notion, since our unique relationship with God can cause our consciences to be more sensitive than the non-believer. But the same laws of holiness that apply to believers are in effect for the unsaved, as well. The liberty that we experience is that we are now able to obey the Lord in a way that was not possible before.

John 8:36 [NKJV]
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

Without the work of redemption, we belong to this world, and therefore subject to its ruler's desire to rebel against God. But with redemption, we are no longer limited to rebellious acts. Instead, brothers and sisters, we are transported from unholiness to holiness, from rebellion to obedience, from slavery into freedom. Christ demolished the chains that bound us to sin, releasing us to demonstrate our love for Him.

Isn't that worth celebrating today?
Can you lift your voice today in praise and joy for the love our Lord has proven?

Be encouraged,

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