Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bigger Than That

For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. Luke 2:30-32 [KJV]

All along, God had a bigger plan than He was willing to share with us because He knew that we were too limited in our view.  Christ came for all people, Jews and Gentiles.  He was not just the saviour of one people but the Salvation of the World.  He had a much larger mission than we could ever imagine.  His task on the earth was to bring salvation to everyone.  He was bigger than the save the Jews and place them back into prominence.  

We get to a point sometimes where we get in our own way, when we know too much.  God knows that and His Plan is always bigger than that.  He is viewing the world from an eternal view and how everything we do and say, or don't do or won't say will affect the rest of the world.  He has to have a "Bigger Than That" vision so that we can be sure that we are not stopping His Plan from going forth.  That is why there is always someone waiting in the wings to do the job that we are unwilling or too scared to do.  God's vision of this world is bigger than we are in all of our ideas and plans.

Be Encouraged,


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