Friday, January 18, 2008

Why are you just sitting there?


In the annals of human history, there have been many stupid questions raised. My personal top-10 includes this one:

Now there were four leprous men at the entrance of the gate; and they said to one another, "Why are we sitting here until we die?"
2 Kings 7:3, NKJV (emphasis added)

To set the stage for you, the four men had been kicked out of a city that was going through a horrendous famine. It was so bad that people no longer saw each other as friends and family, but as food. And there these men were... just sitting there. Their sickness preserved them - who wants to eat a leper? And then one of them finally noticed the obvious and wondered why they should remain, waiting to die.

Is there no greater famine than to lack the living word of God?
And yet, professing believers file into buildings new and old, week after week, only to hear religious-sounding pep talks and self-improvement advice. The Word is not preached, and no one seems to notice that they are starving!

How long will you sit there?
Why are you sitting there until you die?

Sisters and brothers, if you are not getting fed the real meat of God's word, get up and go find it. We don't need to be churched; we need to be transformed into the imaged of Christ! The only means is by His Word. Seek it out. Delay no longer. The blessings of God await!

Be encouraged,

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