Monday, January 28, 2008

All prayer is not equal


All of us know that important milestones and major obstacles tend to draw increased attention and energy from interested parties. There can be stress, tension and fear. There can also be hope, anticipation and great expectations. Most times, we find all of these in some measure.

It can be enlightening to listen to people's words in times like those. Some might say, "Wish me luck," and others might go around rapping on wooden desks and doors. A few will invoke the "gods" or karma or fate. Sometimes, you'll hear fervent pleas to not "jinx" the outcome. All of these are prayers of some sort. They are evidence that everyone depends on some power other than - and often greater than - themself. But let's not be fooled or bullied into agreeing with those prayers; for they are not addressed to the One True God.

Isaiah 16:12 (NKJV)
And it shall come to pass,
When it is seen that Moab is weary on the high place,
That he will come to his sanctuary to pray;
But he will not prevail.

The prophet Isaiah points out to us that the Moabites came to their sanctuary, to pray to their god. But no matter how intense or deep or eloquent their prayers might be, the people of Moab shall be defeated.

This is the same for you and for me. We must be diligent to pray only to the Almighty God. It is a waste of breath to pray to "saints," or to count on fate or luck. Even worse, we are saying to our Savior that perhaps He isn't powerful enough or caring enough to answer our prayer. What an insult to a Holy and Perfect God! Instead, we must bring every request to the Lord. He is the only faithful one. He is the only omnipotent one. He is only one who will do what is good and right for His children.

Be encouraged,

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