Friday, February 27, 2009

Ignore the Faith Fads


It seems that everyday, a "bold new ministry" makes its claim for our attention. We see churches incorporating the ways of the world in order to appear "relevant" and "in touch." We see celebrity preachers touting their latest book meant to improve your family, your job or your diet. Or someone else wants us to watch their DVD that explains how to fast, how to pray, how to worship, or how to serve.

We need to learn from those who have been anointed to teach the Body about sound doctrine and appropriate actions. And no one can legitimately claim to have figured it all out. And we know that the Lord is revealing Himself anew each day. Yet, we are wise to return to Scripture, in order to keep all of this in perspective:

Hebrews 13:9 [NKJV]
Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.
Remember that part of the enemy's plan is to distract the Christian from paying attention to the Lord. In so doing, Satan disrupts and hinders the growth of our relationship with God, which slows our transformation into His perfect image. Since we are commanded to resist the devil -- even unto blood -- then vigorously testing the doctrine of the day must be a key element in our battle plan.

Hold up every instruction to the shining light of God's Word. By the Holy Spirit, you will see what is deception and what is truth. And then you can put the truth into action, and experience the freedom and peace that is beyond understanding.

Be encouraged, Jose

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