Friday, November 21, 2008

A truly merry heart


When a friend is down in the dumps, our natural instinct is find something that might cheer them up. That something might be reminding them of an encouraging memory. Or maybe it's a nice meal and quiet conversation. Maybe you tell them a joke, or you remind them that they are in your prayers.

Or sometimes, unfortunately, we sugarcoat the truth, water it down, or encourage them to ignore the reality of their situation altogether. These are dangerous options, for they undoubted leave the friend worse off than before.

Like one who takes away a garment in cold weather,
And like vinegar on soda,
Is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.
Provers 25:20 [NKJV]

A heavy heart does not need lies or entertainment or distractions. No matter the current emotional state, every heart needs ... and deserves ... to hear the truth. A wounded heart needs the truth, spoken in love, more desperately than we can imagine. Sometimes that truth is difficult to hear... and to say. Yet it is a healing balm. Yes, it may sting at first. But it provides a hope and an encouragement supported by a solid foundation.

Each of us, brothers and sisters, needs to understand the truth of our situation. We are all undeserving of a place in Christ's Kingdom. And yet He has nonetheless graced with adoption into His very family. And because that transformation is permanent and unchangeable, it is surest, fastest way out of the blues that inevitably creep into every man's life.

And when you get that truth into your spirit, the song you sing will echo throughout the heavens!

Be encouraged, Jose

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