Wednesday, December 29, 2010

From the heart to the hands


1 Corinthians 5:8 [NKJV]
Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

For many reasons, the modern church continues with a wide variety of old rituals and habits. The Lord understands the comfort that men find in old rites and ceremonies.

The biggest danger, though, is that we persist in these habits without any change in the heart. If our hearts are still full of resentment, unforgiveness, and bitterness, then the rituals are simply an acted out lie.

But if there has been a change, then we will be keeping the feast simply by the course of our words and deeds. There will be no real need for the rituals (though they may be useful for remembrance). For our every breath will be a proclamation of the amazing work that our Lord has done.

Be encouraged, Jose

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