Monday, August 9, 2010

Is your faith in man?


As politicians and pundits ponder various paths out of these persistent economic doldrums, any man would be tempted to look to his boss, his employer, his governor, his senator or his president for results. It is natural to want to rely on these persons of authority. It is natural for the people to place their confidence in their leaders.

But beware ...

Proverbs 25:19
Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble
Is like a bad tooth and a foot out of joint. [NKJV]

Humans are unreliable and flawed and limited. We cannot provide any genuine assurance that this option or that one option will solve our problems. None of us can set a standard for thought, word or action that will stand up to every circumstance. And when those we rely upon inevitably fail, we find that we can no longer walk or run with strength and purpose. All we can do is limp back to a place of safety.

This pattern repeats itself year after year. At some point, perhaps we will learn to place our confidence not in man or institutions, but in the Eternal and Almighty God.

Be encouraged, Jose

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