Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Presence of God

Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.
Exodus 33:15 (NKJV)

Joshua took a stand before the children of Israel and declared that if the Lord's presence will not go with them, they are better where they are instead. Joshua knew the vulnerable nature of the human mind and the strong preference of our human instincts to stray and stay out of the presence of the Lord particularly in our minds to pursue our self destructive transient desires. The presence of the Lord is what we must continually seek. The Lord also demands our attention and He will not share our mind with any other thing, issue or creature. To be God-minded is life and to do otherwise is to tow the path of destruction.

The presence of the Lord brings peace and perfect calm even in the midst of chaos. There is reassurance, uncommon confidence, guidance, fullness of joy and an instant self-correcting feature that keeps us from straying and doing dumb and destructive things. In the presence of the Lord, no worries can be a match for the assurance and peace that goes beyond human comprehension.

Be encouraged,


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