Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Don't die in sin


There is no reason for a man to die in his sin. The Lord has declared the Way, and it is in Christ. If there is the one and only way to escape the wrath of God and to enter into His Kingdom, why would anyone refuse to take it?

Ezekiel 18:31: Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed,
and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.
For why should you die,
O house of Israel? [NKJV]

Christ, by His work at Calvary, has done the hard work of casting away all of our transgressions. Only a stubborn man would seek to hold onto them! And in that stubbornness, that man refuses to enter into a peace with His Creator. And all who refuse peace remain at war ... a war which they are certain to lose.

But we who have accepted Christ, who have seen our transgressions flung to the farthest edge of the universe, are at peace. We shall not die in our sin. We shall die in the righteousness of Christ.

Be encouraged, Jose

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