Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wait For It!!!!!

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13 [KJV]

The verse rings true to all of us. If we had not seen the goodness of God, we would have quit the race long ago. God's sustaining power allows us to be more patient and more hopeful. Because what is faith without hope. We know that God can, but we must believe that God will. He is able to strengthen us and keep us. There is an old hymn, that states that "He will carry you through". When I was younger, I liked the melody and the tune, now that I have had more life experiences, I like the words and what they really speak to my soul.

As we all live and know that God is truly able, sometimes, we have to "wait for it". The waiting time may not be as fun as we like, but the victory at the end is absolutely worth the wait. Let's not rush the time, but enjoy the process. As we do, we will understand that God absolutely is worth the wait.

Be Encouraged,


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