Monday, November 2, 2009

Higher than your mountain


Hear my cry, O God;
Attend to my prayer.
From the end of the earth I will cry to You,
When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalm 61:1-2 [NKJV]

This is a remarkable prayer. It is not a plea to remove troubles from us. It does not give voice to a desire to escape the troubles of the present day.

It is a solemn and humble recognition that there is a place that is higher than any issue, than any obstacle, than any concern of this world. The psalmist asks Almighty God to bring him to the rock. You and I might even go so far as to capitalize the "Rock" in these verses. For it is entirely appropriate that, when our heart is overwhelmed and our vision is consumed by the mountain before us, we call upon the Lord to bring us to Himself.

The troubles may still be all around us. But we will stand upon the Rock ... and be strengthened.

Be encouraged, Jose

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