Monday, July 20, 2009

Staying connected


I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
John 15:5 [NKJV]

Think back to your close friends from school. During those days, you'd be inseparable; you felt like you knew everything about each other. You talked and laughed and fought and embraced. You were honest with each other. You held each other accountable.

But what happened in the intervening years and decades? You took different paths, perhaps even moving to different cities. You married. You began raising little ones. Priorities changed. And the ones who were like brothers and sisters have, through reasonable neglect, become strangers.

It is easy to lose intimate connection with Christ. And it happens in the same way. Where once He was foremost in your thoughts throughout the day, He has become an afterthought. Someone to be squeezed in between the first cup of coffee and the morning commute. And we wonder why our prayer life seems so weak, why faith seems so hard to cultivate.

Brothers and sisters, what are you doing today to nurture your relationship with the One who laid down His life for you? What has taken the Lord's place as your number one concern? Remember, He has not left nor forsaken you. He waits, patiently, for you (and me) to turn around - to repent - and seek Him. And we must do this. Because when we are apart from Him, we can do nothing. But when we are connected with Him, we can do all things through Him.

Be encouraged, Jose

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