Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Choose the Benefactor

And saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. Luke 23:37 [KJV]

As a verse, it seems kind of benign, especially out of context. But when we look at the potential result, we can see that this is very important. Christ had to make a choice on the cross. He could have benefited Himself and just came down to dispense with all the suffering. He could have had a great ministry on earth and healed many people. But if He took road leading to less suffering, we would really be in a fix. We would not be able to have access to more abundant life or to live beyond our circumstances.

However, Christ put the physical man aside and let the Spiritual Man rule the day. With that decision, God left Him alone on the cross as He took all our sins. As we begin to realize the amazing sacrifice that Christ made for us, we realize that He chose us as benefactors. He wanted us to know that He loved us enough to give His Life for us. Let us use the benefit wisely.

Be Encouraged,


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