Friday, February 26, 2010

Remember what Christ has done


Hundreds of years before Christ came to live among men, the history and meaning of His life and death were sung of in the temples of Israel. King David saw that the LORD had promised a Deliverer, and that He would keep that promise. And he saw that the Deliverer, a Messiah, would be be rejected by those whom He came to save.

Psalm 23:16
For dogs have surrounded Me;
The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me.
They pierced My hands and My feet;

Why did Christ Jesus endure such torment at the hands of mere men? Because He saw that the prize, the reward, was worth even the most unfathomable price. Our Savior knew that the price He would pay would bring forth the great miracle of salvation, reconciling man to God ...

Psalm 23:27-28
All the ends of the world
Shall remember and turn to the LORD,
And all the families of the nations
Shall worship before You.

For the kingdom is the LORD’s,
And He rules over the nations. [NKJV]

This is what Jesus has won for those that believe on Him, follow Him and obey Him. If there is one thing you should remember today, remember this.

Be encouraged, Jose

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