Friday, February 5, 2010

A great calm


Unless you are a commercial fisherman, it is difficult to imagine the kind of storm that Jesus and His disciples encountered on the way to the Gadarene country. They were in a small boat, crossing a deep and open sea. When the wind picks up, there is nothing slow it down. And the seas crash together with a ferocity that will shake even the most hardy of men. The wind whips the rain into your face so hard that it stings; it blows so hard you can't even hear your own voice.

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea,
Peace, be still!

And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:29 [NKJV]

And there was a great calm.

Ponder that for a moment.
In one moment there was Terror. Fear. Opposition. Chaos. Pain. Uncertainty.
In the next moment... there was a great calm.

That is the power of Christ's voice. His power has not diminished since that day 2,000 years ago. And no matter how violent and terrifying the storms are in your life today, a single word from our Lord will have the same effect.

There will be a great calm.

Be encouraged, Jose

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