Every act of true and genuine repentance is a great victory. It means that the Spirit has overcome the flesh, that Kingdom of God is advancing against the forces of Hell. No wonder Christ describes the scene in Heaven as a great celebration ...
Luke 15:10
Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. [NKJV]
As we discussed earlier, Jesus is both describing Heaven's response and commanding it. And this command applies to you and me in the here and now.
When we are saved, we are given a specific place in the heavenlies. We are seated there, wrapped in Christ. We are no longer citizens of the kingdom of darkness. We are now made citizens of the Kingdom of God.
So, when Christ says, "There is joy in the presence of angesls", He is commanding you and me to rejoice in the repentance of those around us. This may be difficult, since our flesh will remind us of that person's imperfections and mistakes. But we know that the enemy is a liar. And we know that the old things have passed away; and that the Lord has created a new heart in that person ... just as He has in you and me.
Let us rejoice on this day. Someone has come to repentance. And even more, let us seek true repentance on this day for our own sins and stumbles. And then let us rejoice again.
Be encouraged, Jose
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