Friday, December 18, 2009

The Commandments shall overcome


We are blessed that the Body of Christ is bound by the love of our Lord Christ Jesus. The non-believers have a great emptiness where this blessing might reside. And even though were are surrounded by a multitude of brothers and sisters in the Lord, there are enemies lurking. And those enemies want to shame you and me, make us feel foolish for following a God who would humble Himself to live among us and endure a death on a cross.

But we are wiser than those enemies ...

Psalm 119:98
You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies;
For they are ever with me. [NKJV]

Our enemies are always with us. They live in our neighborhoods. Their children sit beside our children at school. Our Lord makes the rain to fall upon them just as He provides it for you and me.

But we have something more.

We have His word. And His spirit abides in us to reveal His mysteries to us. And in that privilege is held more wisdom than all of the scholars, and all of the doubters, and all of the cynics, and all of the well-intentioned.

Seek His wisdom in His word.

Be encouraged, Jose

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