A friend of mine once asked, why do we expect that when we only go to the gym only once a month, to have the same shape, stamina and mindset of someone who goes daily to train and exercise. So, let's move that example to our spiritual life. We expect to get a better understanding by only going to church once a month, maybe and praying only over meals and never picking up the bible. My simple question to everyone including me is How?
In order to run this race, we must prepare to run. In preparing to run, we must train our spiritual bodies. We must study the Word, pray and commune with God, and fellowship with other saints for strengthening. For the fellowship, not just church, but other places where the social interaction of saints can truly edify (I like that word) the spirits of both. Think about how much better we feel when we have spent time with others who believe like we do and are able to share their experiences with us. To run the real race, we must do those things that will prepare us for the marathon and not the sprint.
Be Encouraged,
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