And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. Luke 6:31 [KJV]
Over the past two weeks, we have had many people act out in public in a rude way. One reason must be because they did not ask themselves the question above. My son asked me why and I told him that people were forgetting the "Golden Rule", which was do unto others as you would have them do unto you". (Childhood memory not withstanding, I actually did look up the verse for the devotional.) When we put ourselves on the other side of our actions, they seem very different. Our passion for having to speak out, yell out, interrupt or make a scene seems completely justified in our minds, but when seen from the other side, the behaviour seems rude and self motivated.
The "Golden Rule" has been around for a long time and with good reason. We should all treat others like we want to be treated first. Once we complete that, then we can truly help our fellow man. Because in the end, we all live here together and once we go home to be with the Lord, we will all be together there as well.
Be Encouraged,
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