Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hope justified

Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.
1 Corinthians 15:12-14

The Savior's Resurrection was remembered and celebrated all around the world this past weekend. The event and day is a constant reminder of the greatest gift yet given to mankind. One which if without would have assigned all creature to doom, destruction and lost forever. But the Lord's Resurrection from the dead proved the Lord's power of death and sin. What looked like an eternal loss. But through perseverance, endurance and patience through the wilderness and trial season, the Lord demonstrated our ability to overcome all with the Holy Spirit as our guide and helper. The trials and grief seasons of life are not meant for us too lose our mind, but to endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. For when its all said and done, the glory will revealed.

As Christs' resurrection is remembered and celebrated, is there anything in our lives that won't yield to the Resurrection power made available to us? Our hope in Him is justified, we have a dependable and trustworthy Savior.

Be encouraged,


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