Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Getting Ready to Wait

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.  Psalm 27:14-15 [KJV]

In this time of instant gratification and immediate feedback, the economy has put all of us in an interesting position.  We have to wait on God for some results.  Whether we are waiting on Him for a new job or opportunity, a upcoming layoff from a job that we have worked on for a while, a result from some testing concerning our health or that of a loved one, we have no choice but to hold on until the results come our way.  The waiting can seemingly take forever, but in reality, it only takes as long as God needs to work things out for His Good.  

Our getting ready can be done two ways.  We can just sit on the couch in front of the TV and wait for God to respond, or we can be active in doing things that we would not normally have a chance to do.  We could have answer a ministry calling or use the quiet time to read and study more about God.  We can be proactive and wait or we can just sulk about everything taking so long.  As I am writing this, I realize that God will allow things to happen in their appointed time. I am hopeful that you will realize that too.  Once the timing is confirmed, then we can focus on God and his righteousness.  As we change our focus from our circumstances to His Work, we are able to be ready for our waiting period.  The time will pass the same, but we will accomplish more for God than we would have ever realized. 

Be Encouraged,


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