Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where Did That Come From?

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7 [KJV]

We reap what we sow is something that my grandmother drilled into my head over and over as a child growing up.  I always took it to mean that what we put out, we would get back.  So, if we were very mean to others, someone would be mean to us.  Conversely if, we were nice to others, then someone would be nice to us.  The lesson was a this for that lesson.  As I have grown up, the lesson takes on a different context.  

I have learned that what you put in the ground is what you get out.  As well as what you put into your mind, you get out.  You read and study the bible, you act out biblical principles. You listen to music and teaching about praise and worship, you act out praise and worship naturally.  I recently talked about coaching and teams executing.  This verse is valuable in reminding us that we execute what we know and we can't fool our ultimate Coach on what we know since He has seen us in practice.  Let's look at what we practice so we can execute.  

Be Encouraged,


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