Friday, March 20, 2009

Leave the childish things alone

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11 [NKJV]


How do you define being a "grown-up"? For me, the answer is ... I know it when I see it.

The adult does not think like a child, speak like a child or act like a child. When an "adult" does think, speak and act like a child, we rightly consider that person to be under-developed. We know that something is not right with that individual.

When we come to a knowledge of Christ, we have similarly passed from one condition into another. We should not think, speak and act like an unsaved person. We should be thinking, speaking, and acting as ones who follow the Lord Jesus Christ and who are being transformed into His image. If we do not, then something is not right.

  • Examine your thoughts today. Would the Lord be pleased with what He finds there?
  • Examine your words today. Do they edify, encourage and advance the Kingdom of God?
  • Examine your actions today. Do they reflect the remarkable transformation that Christ has caused in you?
We are no longer children without knowledge of our God. It is time we leave the thoughts, words and actions of the unsaved to the dustbin of history.

Be encouraged, Jose

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