Our words have great power. We know how our words can impact one another. A wrong word from a father can devastate a child. Words spoken in anger can cause enduring damage to a marriage. And yet, their power cannot go beyond the bounds of what is in our hearts.
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man.
-- Christ Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 15:18
Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.
See how great a forest a little fire kindles!
-- James 3:5 [NKJV]
Are you searching for a way to control your tongue?
Then the place to start is the heart. Search for the word heart in the Bible. You will see that it appears over 950 times in scripture. It is central to our faith and to our relationship with Christ. It is also central to our relationships with one another.
Sisters and brothers, take prayer time today to lay your heart before the Lord. Beseech Him to stand guard over it, to protect it, and to heal it. He has promised to create in us a new heart, and as He does so, we will find our words will edify, encourage, and strengthen. They will become powerful forces for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom.
Be encouraged, Jose
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