This is what everyone among those who are numbered shall give: half a shekel according to the shekel of the sanctuary (a shekel is twenty gerahs). The half-shekel shall be an offering to the LORD.
Exodus 30:13 [NKJV] (emphasis added)
There will be times when we've done something hurtful, shameful and awful. In that hour, we will be tempted to believe that we have gone beyond what God will tolerate... even beyond what He can possibly forgive.
There will also be times when we hold up another brother or sister as being more deserving of God's favor, as being more holy or more righteous... and that we cannot measure up. And in that hour, we will be tempted to believe that our own cause is lost, that we're simply not worth anything.
That hour.
It is the most critical moment to return to what is true. And the truth of this matter is that every man needs redemption, and that the redemption price for every man is the same. Christ's work at Calvary is indeed sufficient to atone for your sin and mine, no matter how grave or trivial. Do not allow the enemy to distort what is true. Remember that His Word is true.
Be encouraged, Jose
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