Monday, June 4, 2012

Prepare for the harvest


The world will never give you permission to pursue righteousness. Among the enemy's greatest desires is to make following Christ hard ... really hard. What is "easy" is to focus on the challenges and obstacles ... and then give them the power to stop us from seeking the Kingdom of God, from digging into His Word, and from joining forces with fellow believers int the fight against evil.

Proverbs 20:4 [NKJV]
The lazy man will not plow because of winter;
He will beg during harvest and have nothing.

The LORD admonishes His people - you and me - to prepare for the harvest by persevering in adversity. Let no act of the enemy deny you the opportunity to be in God's word. Overcome the flesh's desire for the easy path.

There will come a time when we reap the rewards of those actions. That will be a time of great joy and abundance. A time of unchallenged intimacy with Christ the King.

Be encouraged, Jose

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