Monday, April 9, 2012

The most powerful legacy


Sin has devastated the world. What was once glorious, peaceful and filled with integrity, is now ripped apart by war, strife, deceit and death. Each of us bears the scars of the result of Adam's disobedience. And each of us bears the scars of our own sin and suffering. Fortunately, the Lord God did not leave His creation in that state.

Romans 5:5 [NKJV]
But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many.

Because we come from the line of Adam, every man has followed in his flawed footsteps. That is quite a powerful legacy.

But the legacy of Christ is greater than all of the legacies of all the men that have come before us. His work has justified His followers, and we bear the weight and wages of sin no more.

Be encouraged, Jose

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