The strategies of the enemy are fairly predictable. He attacks when we are tired and weak. He distracts with busy-ness. He whispers (and shouts) lie after lie. But most insidiously, he separates believers from one another.
Proverbs 18:1
A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire;
He rages against all wise judgment. [NKJV]
It is the same tactic used by predators on the hunt for their meal. Separate one from the herd and it cannot defend itself.
The enemy separates us from our fellowship, so that we are less accountable.
The enemy separates us from the Word, so that we struggle to know our Master's voice.
It is why we are commanded not forsake the fellowship of believers. It is not a suggestion. It is not a helpful hint. It is declared forcefully in God's word.
If you are under attack by the world, the flesh or the devil ... then examine your life. Are you in fellowship? Are you in corporate prayer? Are you seeking out the company of believers?
Be encouraged, Jose
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