Monday, May 2, 2011

Faithful in what has been given


Have you been given a ministry? Are you diligent to fulfill that ministry, no matter how small or unnoticeable? Do you find yourself frustrated because your small work seems to have no impact?

Consider the legacy of Shamgar:

Judges 3:31
After him was Shamgar the son of Anath, who killed six hundred men of the Philistines with an ox goad; and he also delivered Israel. [NKJV]

This man is not prominent in Israel. It seems he is a simple farmer, tending to the small piece of ground under his stewardship. He is armed with nothing but an ox goad ... what, in our day, might be called a cattle prod.

You may be interested to understand that this tool is actually a 2-edged, sword-like implement. And with this 2-edged sword, Shamgar killed 600 enemy soldiers. In so doing, he delivered the people of God.

What small piece of earth has the LORD given you to tend?
Do you allow the enemy to pass through unmolested?
Do you realize that you have the same armament in your possession as this hero of the Bible?

And now, what are you going to do with it?

Be encouraged, Jose

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