Monday, January 17, 2011

How to do the impossible


In our mortal, un-glorified state, it is quite impossible for us to maintain a perfectly holy walk. Nonetheless, we are commanded to strive for that goal. We cannot do it using our own abilities - it can only be done by the power of Christ Jesus.

But how does one access that power?

Galatians 5:16 [NKJV]
I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Fulfilling the desires of the flesh is the greatest obstacle to our ability to being holy, as Jesus is holy. But the key to a holy walk is somewhat counter-intuitive. Our focus should not be on flesh avoidance ... because then our focus is on the flesh. Rather, the focus should be on living, thinking, speaking, and acting according to the spirit of God.

We listen for guidance from Jesus, and we'll be unable to hear the voice of the flesh.
We focus all of our energy on doing the will of the Father, and there will be no energy left to doing the will of the world.

There will be only one result: we will be obedient.

Be encouraged, Jose

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