Monday, October 25, 2010

No barriers


What are the kinds of things that come between and your beloved, especially when there is an opportunity for intimacy? What is distracting you when they want to be the focus of your attention? Is it the list of chores? Is it the stress of work? Is it the pursuit of your ambitions and goals?

Don't you know that these same things that get in the way of being truly intimate with Christ.

Mark 10:23
Then Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!” - NKJV

Entering the Kingdom is an act of deep and lasting intimacy. We enter into the Kingdom in order to enter into His presence. And in His presence, nothing else can exist. Nothing of this world is worthy of the holiness that He deserves. Not our achievements, our credentials, our possessions, our sadness, our lack of forgiveness, nor our altruistic works.

Be prepared to leave all of that behind. It's worthless in eternity anyway. Why cling to it? Let it go, and instead take hold of the gift of simply being in the presence of the One True God.

Be encouraged, Jose

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