What do you owe the world?
Some would say that we must focus our attention on conservation and the protection of the planet. Others would say that our obligation is to the poor and downtrodden. And still others would demand that we reach out to the victims of violence and abuse.
Our Lord would not have us turn our backs on the poor or oppressed. Nor would He sanction the abuse of the world over which He has given us dominion.
But does that mean that we owe the world anything but the Gospel of truth?
Romans 13:8
Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.
There are many layers to this simple sentence. Paul admonishes us to be good stewards financially, so that we remain free from the bondage of debt. He admonishes you and me to not enter into agreements lightly, so that we do not put ourselves in a position to be exploited for sin's sake.
But most importantly, we are admonished to remember that the LORD is above every man and institution. Our allegiance must be to Him and Him alone. We do not owe our boss, our planet, or even our government superhuman efforts. We are not obligated to give up our Sabbath rest for them. And certainly, we must not sin in an effort to fulfill their demands.
We do owe them the Gospel. The Gospel is to be spread to every corner of this world, so that every man has the opportunity to repent. The LORD has obligated you and me to preach the Gospel. This is our one true debt, for this is how we show them our love, and the love of Christ Jesus.
Be encouraged, Jose
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