It is an age-old quest.
Men and women, once they have satisfied their most basic needs, seek something that will bring a sense of fulfillment and completion in their lives. Essentially, they are chasing after one thing: Peace.
Don't believe me? Then why do people say, after some great event or accomplishment, "Now, I can die in peace"? Why does society say to the dead, "Rest in peace"? And why, when some conflict is finally resolved, do we decide that we "are at peace with it"?
Peace is a universal desire. We may disagree on how to achieve peace. We may disagree with what peace looks like. But make no mistake, every single one of us is chasing it.
Psalm 132:3-5
“Surely I will not go into the chamber of my house,
Or go up to the comfort of my bed;
I will not give sleep to my eyes
Or slumber to my eyelids,
Until I find a place for the LORD,
A dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.”
The LORD reveals to us, in these short verses, something truly remarkable. First, He understands our passionate desire for peace. He has put this desire into each one of us.
Second, He shows us that there is a way to this peace we so desperately want. Once we have given place to the LORD in our hearts, we will be able to rest comfortably and sleep soundly.
What happens when something else has possession of our heart? There is no rest. There is no comfort. There is no peace. We will keep searching and searching, driving harder, working more feverishly. No effort will be spared. But peace will not be found.
Give the Lord your heart. He will possess it. He will live there. And you will have peace.
Be encouraged, Jose
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