Friday, June 11, 2010

A commandment to save


Everyone has their own point of view of God's law. While the only one that matters is, of course, God's ... in our frail human imagination, we come up with all kinds of responses to His commandments. Emotional responses. Intellectual responses. Pious responses. Cynical responses. Reverent responses. Angry responses.

But when we see what God says about His commandments, perhaps the response will be one of gratitude ...

Psalm 71:3
Be my strong refuge,
To which I may resort continually;
You have given the commandment to save me,
For You are my rock and my fortress. - [NKJV]

The LORD has given "the commandment to save" you and me. Not just any commandment ... but THE commandment. And its purpose is clear and concise: to save.

The Law is not burdensome or troublesome. It is not there to trip us up or to bring on condemnation. It is there to save us.

Study His Law and you will find this to be the truth.

Be encouraged, Jose

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