You have no doubt heard the expression, "Take the bull its horns." I wonder ... has any really tried to do so? I can't imagine that the bull would stand idly while a man takes hold of his horns. I can't imagine that such an action would end well for the man foolish enough to actually try it.
Genesis 22:13
Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son. [NKJV]
Picture this scene in your mind. Under natural circumstances, would a wild ram stand still while his horns were tangled in a little bush? Of course a ram is not as powerful as a bull, but a desert shrub is certainly no match for a ram being held "against his will."
But then, we are not talking about natural circumstances are we? Rather we are looking at a sacrifice, sent by Almighty God, perfectly obedient, and completely prepared to lay down and die for the sake of one who is far from innocent.
Sound familiar?
Christ Jesus was not murdered.
He was not forced to stay on the cross by any man.
Even those nails were no match for His sovereign power and might.
He went ... willing and obediently ... to the cross. He did so out of love for His Father. He did so out of love for you and for me. He spent His whole life making Himself ready to be the One who redeemed us with His blood.
Our gratitude and ceaseless praise is the very least we can offer. Why not start right now!
Be encouraged, Jose
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