Christ has defeated death, and we who are in Christ are the beneficiaries of that victory.
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.” So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.
Numbers 21:8-9 [NKJV]
Those who have studied scripture will see that the bronze serpent is a representation of Christ enduring the judgment on our behalf. It is lifted high, as Christ was at Calvary, and all who look upon it are protected from death. Notice, however, that they still get bitten.
Sisters and brothers, we live in a fallen world (in case you had forgotten!). The enemy seeks every day to attack the sons of God through any and all means available. At times, we will feel the sting of injury because of our own stumbling. At other times it will be the result of the ever-present spiritual warfare that is raging around us. Either way, it hurts. Either way, it is quite unpleasant.
Either way, we look to Christ for our survival, our revival our confidence and our salvation.
Be encouraged, Jose
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