Monday, December 22, 2008

A day to leave the doors unlocked


That glorious day that Christ makes His return is closer than ever before. It might be tomorrow, or next week, or during the lifetime of our great-grandchildren. No man knows - and those that claim to should be viewed with great skepticism - but it is coming. And when that day comes, we will no longer require the protection of alarm systems, deadbolts and barking dogs.

Therefore your gates shall be open continually;
They shall not be shut day or night,
That men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles,
And their kings in procession.
Isaiah 60:11 [NKJV]

The gates of a city were its security. When they were open, it meant that the city was open; men could come and go... it was a state of peace and confidence. At night, the gates were locked. That's when troublemakers came out to make their trouble, and locking the city gates helped to keep that trouble away from law-abiding citizens. When the gates were locked, men found protection inside the city walls. On the outside, well you were taking your chances.

But in the day of the Lord, all evil shall be swept away. God's people will no longer need to be protected from thieves and murderers. Instead, we will be free ... FREE ... to live in a constant state of peace, joy and gladness.

Be encouraged,

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