Friday, March 28, 2008

Are you a crybaby?


The world tells us that crying is a sign of weakness. We are told to "keep a stiff upper lip." We are told to "be brave." We are told, "There's no crying in baseball!" And even though that last one comes from a classically funny scene in an enduringly enjoyable film (A League of Their Own), it is a lie.

Psalm 12:5 [NKJV]
"For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy,
Now I will arise," says the LORD;
"I will set him in the safety for which he yearns."

In this verse, "sighing" is translated from the Hebrew word ànaqah which also means "crying" or "groaning." And in understanding this word, we find the key to this verse. What action does the LORD take when He hears the cries of those who need Him? The latter portion of verse 5 tells us that our God will rise up and move them into a place of safety and protection.

Brothers and sisters, it is time that we finally realize that we truly need God in every situation. We must ignore the training we received that pushes us to be tough and self-reliant. We must stop trying to stand on our own two feet. We must fall to our two knees instead. We must cry out to the LORD. It means having the courage to appear vulnerable. It is the path that leads to strength... His strength. He will arise and bring us to Himself, where no one and no thing can touch us.

Be encouraged,

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