God's people share a unique bond in the Holy Spirit. It is unlike anything possible in the natural realm. It exists only in the spiritual. While I'm taking some liberty with the context, I believe that the apostle Paul has this bond on his heart when he writes:
1 Corinthians 10:4 [NKJV]
and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.
We experience this connection in any number of ways. When you hear a sermon that seems to have been written just for you. When the Lord puts a brother on your heart for intercessory prayer. When you share a revelation with a sister and her jaw drops because she heard the Lord tell her the same thing.
This bond is a wondrous and amazing thing. It is a way that He demonstrates His strength to us. And it is an awesome responsibility. For such a connection means that now we must see each other in a different light. It means that our thoughts, words and actions have an impact far beyond our self and immediate circle. When we sin, it is felt by all of God's people. When we pray, it can reach around the world to touch someone who needs a special experience of God's love. And when we praise the Lord, it lifts up the entire body.
Doesn't that change your perspective today?
Wouldn't this give you one more reason to be really, really sure that what is said, done and even thought is in obedience to the LORD?
Doesn't knowing this make you grateful that no burden is borne alone?
Be encouraged,
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