It is so easy to convince ourselves of our own significance and honor. The fall of man begins with a vain attempt to take God's place of authority. Our own attempts are equally futile, and are foretold in Scripture:
For he sees wise men die;
Likewise the fool and the senseless person perish,
And leave their wealth to others.
Their inner thought is that their houses will last forever,
Their dwelling places to all generations;
They call their lands after their own names.
Nevertheless man, though in honor, does not remain;
He is like the beasts that perish.
Psalm 49:10-12 (NKJV)
We can and should be confident that no other creature is made in God's image, and surely we occupy a special place in our Father's heart. But let's not get too wrapped up in gaining prestige during this short time on earth. Nothing of this world will last, even if they name a building after us. But fellowship with Christ is a treasure to be desired, nurtured and chased after... for it endures forever.
Be encouraged,
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