As believers, we know that we don't have to go looking for trouble... for trouble is looking for us. And when we are deep in the fight of battle, sometimes we forget that the Lord has given us a variety of responses. One response, of course, is to fight; to take up the sword of the Word of God and wield it in truth. Another response is to take authority over the trouble-makers, just as Jesus did, and command them to cease and desist. These are normal responses that may fit very comfortably with a naturally aggressive personality. But there is another response, expressed by a valiant warrior ...
Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak;
O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled.
Psalm 6:2 [NKJV]
When the LORD sends trouble to test and refine us, it is entirely appropriate to seek His guidance and His wisdom in our response. And King David, who penned these words, obeyed God and therefore cried out to Him for mercy.
Every situation is different, and therefore we must listen to what the LORD instructs us to do. When He tells us to fight, we must fight. And when He tells us to fall upon His mercy, let neither our pride nor old habits stop us from obeying His voice.
Cry out to Jesus. His mercies endure forever.
Be encouraged, Jose